The Hope Center at Pullen — a faith community of hospitality, affirmation and justice — strives to remove barriers to opportunity through personal and community partnerships.
Gift Shop
How Can I Keep From Singing?
Mary Ruth Crook, a member of Pullen Memorial Baptist Church who has long served as a spiritual leader and member of the chancel choir, published her collection of prayers in How Can I Keep From Singing? This book represents a wonderful daily devotional, featuring a prayer of praise and gratitude for each day.
The books can be purchased for $20 each. All sales become financial support for The Hope Center. Checks payable to "The Hope Center at Pullen" may be sent to:
1801 Hillsborough Street Raleigh, NC, 27605 attn: The Hope Center at Pullen
Please write "devotional book" in the subject line of your check. Please provide your phone number, too. We'll mail you the book or make arrangements for you to pick it up and tour The Hope Center.